Maybe after I loose a few pounds…
The #1 excuse I hear from women interested in a shoot is this… I’ll book it after I loose some weight. I just need to loose a few more pounds.
I have to be honest ladies, you will always have just a few more pounds to loose. No matter what size you are we always want to be just one size smaller (or more) . However, there is the problem with living this way, it means you are always waiting for something. It's time you start to enjoy your life and your body NOW. This the only body you will ever have and to spend all your time working to get to another version of it means you aren't celebrating it here and now.
Your body has done wonderful things. It may have birthed your incredible children, or it carried you through a time you didn't think you would get through. Be proud of yourself, don't be afraid to feel beautiful right now. I promise you won't regret it. It’s ok to build yourself up, because in the end the only one who can really get through to you that you are enough and are perfect as you are…